
(804) 741-2226


(804) 740-7281


(804) 741-2226


(804) 740-7281

Spark Clear Aligners

Spark Clear Aligners

Achieving Your Perfect Smile With Clarity

Spark Clear Aligners are the latest innovation in the orthodontic industry to help you create the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. The system promises straighter teeth with aligners that are more comfortable, clearer and more stain-resistant than other leading clear aligner brands. At Richmond Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, we are pleased to offer Spark Aligners to you and your family!

Why Choose Spark Clear Aligners?

The hustle and bustle of our daily lives can be overwhelming, but finding a path to a stunning smile doesn’t have to be. Here are some of the benefits of this revolutionary clear aligner system:

  • High-tech material: The aligners are made with the latest technology to ensure your smile transformation is seamless and convenient for you. Spark Clear’s TruGEN™ material is designed to be more effective and efficient with your tooth movement.
  • Clearer: “I can’t even tell!” At Richmond Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we understand that adults and even some teens prefer to have a more discreet look. These aligners are so clear your friends and family may not even notice you’re wearing them!
  • More Comfortable: You may have heard the saying ‘beauty is pain.’ Well, Spark Clear Aligners changed the game with its TruGEN™ material. Its polished and scalloped edges make wearing the aligners a more comfortable experience.
  • Stain-Resistant: The trays have proven to show minimal stains, so you can talk and smile without the fear of flashing yellow-tinged teeth.
  • Removability: A key benefit to the clear aligners is you can take them out when you need to! That means you can eat whatever, whenever you want without worrying about breaking a wire.

Taking Stress Out of the Equation

At Richmond Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we make the process a breeze for you. Here’s how it works:

  • Consultation: Our team will evaluate your smile to determine if you are a good candidate for clear aligners. We understand that every person’s situation is unique to them.
  • Strategy: We come up with a treatment plan based on 3D technology that takes pictures of your teeth. Yes, that means we do not need to take impressions using that putty-like material. We can even show you what your new smile will look like once you have finished treatment!
  • Customized To You: We send this off to the lab where they manufacture your Spark Clear Aligners, which are tailored to your mouth to achieve specific tooth movement.
  • Wear Your Aligners: You will wear the trays for 22 hours a day and as you do, they work to move your teeth into the correct position. You’ll frequently get new trays based on the plan we come up with to achieve your desired smile.

What Can Spark Clear Aligners Treat?

Clear aligners do more than straighten crooked or gapped teeth. They also help with malocclusions, which are characterized by the misalignment or incorrect positioning of the teeth when the jaws are closed. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, it is essential to address these problems early on to prevent future complications and promote overall oral health. Types of malocclusion include:

  • Overbite: The upper front teeth excessively overlap the lower front teeth vertically.
  • Underbite: The lower front teeth protrude beyond the upper front teeth.
  • Crossbite: Some of the upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth rather than outside when the jaws are closed.
  • Open Bite: There is a space between the upper and lower front or side teeth when the back teeth are together.

Malocclusion can be caused by various factors, including abnormal jaw development, early loss of primary teeth, habits such as thumb-sucking or tongue thrusting, and dental issues such as cavities or tooth loss. Besides affecting the appearance of the teeth and face, it can lead to problems with chewing, speech difficulties and an increased risk of dental issues like tooth decay and gum disease. Spark Clear Aligners work to remedy these complications so you can lead a healthy oral life.

Are Spark Clear Aligners For You?

Are you ready to enjoy a smile you can be proud of? Let us help you on your orthodontic journey! Our team finds joy in creating the perfect treatment plan and watching your teeth progress to the end goal. To find out if Spark Clear Aligners are for you, give our office a call at (804) 740-7281 or schedule an appointment online by clicking here.

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Please send us your contact information and select an ideal appointment date. We will contact you to confirm an appointment (typically within 24 hours).

If your child is experiencing an emergency, please call us.

Pediatric Dentistry (804) 741-2226 • Orthodontics (804) 740-7281

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